Beginner Women’s Clinics Registration Now Open

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The NSGA will be in your area conducting women’s clinics with PGA teaching professionals. Our sessions will give beginners a better understanding of the basics of full swing and short game mechanics. These 1.5 hour sessions are designed to help the new golfer get into the game with expert instruction.

The clinics will also include light refreshments and a 9-hole voucher for golf to take your skills to the course. Morning and afternoon sessions are available and golf clubs can be provided. So take that next step in taking up the game!

Registration is open on a first come first serve basis and each clinic will be a maximum of 16 ladies in each group (32 per location, 16 per session).

The NSGA is looking forward to seeing you at our clinics.

if you have any questions or concerns please contact NSGA Technical Director, Sara Wilson,

See links below for registration.