Registration for the Atlantic Virtual Coach Conference is now OPEN! The FREE virtual conference is intended for all coaches hosted by the Canadian Sport Center Atlantic, in partnership with Sport Nova Scotia, the Government of Nova Scotia, Coach NB, Coach NL, and Coaching PEI.
The online webinars will be held in the evenings from 7-9pm from September 21-24, 2020. Each evening there will be three sessions on a variety of topics. Each session will be 25-30 minutes long, followed by 5 minute Q&A. The theme of the Coaching Conference is Safe Sport: Diversity & Inclusion. You can register for one, or all three sessions per evening.
Spaces are limited, so register ASAP!
Sessions include:
- A Two Eyes Seeing Approach to Coaching: Indigenous knowledge & western systems
- Coaching Athletes with ADHD
- Male Coaching Female Programs
- Participant Centered Sport Experience: LGBTQ2+
- Commit to Kids: Creating safer sport for youth athletes
- Concussions
- Enforcing Gender Equity in Sport
- The True Sport Coach
- Parasport
- Team Building & Cultuer
- Mentorship 101
- Mental Health and Coach Burnout
For more information on the Canadian Sport Center Atlantic, click here.
For more professional development opportunities by the Sport Center Atlantic, click here.